That was very interesting and useful, thank you. As for a COVID 19 Memorial Day, this should be 1st April, April Fool's Day, the day the world was seriously fooled by the re-branding of the 'flu.


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A COVID Memorial Day; now that's an interesting thought, and something I suspect we won't see in our lifetimes.

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You're right. A legit historical perspective on the COVID catastrophe will not come for at least 50 years--if ever. The COVID debacle indicts many aspects of the government and the mockingbird media, and by all rights should have destroyed any faith the people have in either institution.

Remember that the postwar feelings of doubt in the 1950s were countered by a long economic boom. But the post-COVID environment has been wrought by inflation, and a federal bureaucracy far more incompetent--and substantially larger--than what we had in the 1950s

Moreover, the 1950s had no one quite as evil as Tony Fauci.


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Thank you for sharing the link on Fauci and Mengele, which was insightful.

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