A few months ago, comparisons between NIAID director Tony Fauci and notorious Auschwitz doctor Josef Mengele, dubbed the “Angel of Death,” began to appear. At first, these references turned up mostly in the comments on various postings. Some weeks later, full articles comparing the two physicians popped up, but these are still rare.
As bad as the Nazis were, they were demonized even more as a sort of defensive reaction to the fact that the Russians were our allies in World War II, and the atrocities committed under Stalin were probably far worse. Likewise, as bad as Mengele was, there were plenty of other concentration camp doctors, who were either recruited by the Americans after the war, or simply returned to Germany and private practice.
Mengele became a symbol, and the image is so pervasive that, according to the definitive biography, an impossibly large number of Holocaust survivors insist that it was Mengele himself who “greeted” them at the entrance to Auschwitz. A similar number erroneously describe him as tall and blond, when he was of average height and dark-haired.
While Mengele was definitely caught up in the racial medicine/anthropology of his time (Remember—EVERYTHING in healthcare is a fad), he was an MD/PhD, and by all accounts was a very competent physician, who served heroically on the battlefield.
Stoked as they were by the damnable racial-medico theories of the day, his twin experiments were awful. But, some of his work involved “legitimate” military questions related to extreme exposures that might be faced by lost or stranded warfighters. Indeed, more than a few Nazi doctors were recruited by the Americans to continue this sort of work.
Given the time-frame that Mengele was at Auschwitz, he could have been responsible for as many as 10,000 deaths.
As to Fauci, he never practiced medicine, becoming a medical bureaucrat directly out of residency. Readers of my earlier columns on other forums are well aware of my disdain for medical bureaucrats and academics. For every Jonas Salk, there are thousands of entitled and feckless Fauci types. In short, the further you get from treating patients the more useless you are as a doctor.
Robert Kennedy Jr’s new book details a host of charges against Fauci. some of which are the subject of sophistic fact-checks.
No one can deny, however, that thousands of deaths were caused by Fauci’s suppression of Bactrim for AIDS patients (remind you of the suppression of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin?). Yes, way back then, he was the same old Tony—insisting on running a clinical trial on an already approved drug for off-label usage, in the throes of a serious, deadly outbreak.
You really have to appreciate how stupid and evil this is. Clinical trials are intended for NEW drugs, with NO safety profile, to be introduced onto the market. Even then, there are countless ways that such trials can be tweaked by unscrupulous operators. Of course, dozens of clinically-trialed approved drugs have been pulled off the market.
But, Fauci and his even more clueless cohorts at the CDC are only too aware of what sort of sheep most physicians are, and could count on valid treatments being suppressed. How many thousands of unnecessary COVID-19 deaths were caused by this?
Given that Fauci is squarely behind the funding of gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab, he bears no small amount of responsibility for the 5.5 million COVID-19 deaths. And, as the foremost proponent of the so-called vaccines, he may be leading the nation into all sorts of unforeseen (?) consequences.
A rational analysis of Fauci and Mengele can arrive at only one conclusion: The comparison is apt, and Fauci is FAR worse. Never forget that both men operated with the full faith and credit of their respective governments.
In all the world right now millons are fighting for freedom and against medical tyranny. No more masks, no more lockedowns, no more toxic experiments on humans with the "covid vaccine". Jail or death penalty to Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Boris Johnson and all the doctors and nurses that got part with all this you all need to get fired. https://t.me/covidingenieriasocial
Killing millions worldwide with his gain of function for furthering the mutations of the Coronavirus. Yes, he is another Dr. Joseph Mengele. Having my family get out of Germany before the holocaust and watching from the USA, some of us knew what was going on in Germany and got out way before Hitler came to rise up in the ranks. Fauci has killed my relatives in the modern day and so did Mengele, tell me what the difference is? They way that they perpetuated the CRIME!