In all the world right now millons are fighting for freedom and against medical tyranny. No more masks, no more lockedowns, no more toxic experiments on humans with the "covid vaccine". Jail or death penalty to Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Boris Johnson and all the doctors and nurses that got part with all this you all need to get fired. https://t.me/covidingenieriasocial

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You're right. And, to make it simpler, it's just tyranny, pure and simple. "Medical" is just the excuse. Sadly, people are brainwashed early on to follow and respect authority--but this is almost always a mistake.

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First do NO Harm, they willingly forgot their oath outright.

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They planned for 50 years. Before the control was with guns, tortures concentration camps... now is with cartoons with smiles and symbols of peace and love, Facebook, Google, Twitter, CNN, and all the Big Tech presenting them like "communities where everybody can interact safely" The truth is that the Eugenistic powers are controlling it. And the scariest thing of all is that the hysteria and the killing are not going to come from the forces of the World Order, it will come from our neighbors and relatives. All that consider Google, Facebook, Twitter, and the media to be the written bible with all the truth. If Social Engineering goes too far they will create many monsters in the societies willing to kill in the name of "science".

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I do see more and more people waking up to this reality though, so I pray that there is hope. Now anyone who watches Communist new network or the View will always be mentally ill.

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The Doctors and nurses who prostituted themselves for $$$ and in some cases gave the jab to their own Mother like my cousin, her mother died a week later after having to be fed through a stomach tube. Sick little people, I will never forgive her for her doing this and then letting her brother take on the responsibility of caring for his mother and have to feed her thru this tube.

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Killing millions worldwide with his gain of function for furthering the mutations of the Coronavirus. Yes, he is another Dr. Joseph Mengele. Having my family get out of Germany before the holocaust and watching from the USA, some of us knew what was going on in Germany and got out way before Hitler came to rise up in the ranks. Fauci has killed my relatives in the modern day and so did Mengele, tell me what the difference is? They way that they perpetuated the CRIME!

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What are the chances of an ICC trial for all of these shameless beaurocrats hiding behind their laptops only in search of praise and accolade because they know that the public is largely unknowing about what goes on behind the scenes.

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Not likely. As the Nuremberg trials demonstrated, these tribunals dole out victors' justice in one form or another. In the case of Nuremberg, it is ludicrous that the Soviets were part of a forum to judge anyone. Stalin's crimes were far worse than Hitler's.

Moreover, for the most part, all the miserable world leaders exist in some form of mutual respect and cooperation.

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The Soviets did help to liberate the concentration camps in the end coming from the East into Poland.

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Spot on.

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