It is rare when all three meanings of a word apply to a single situation. Merriam-Webster's Unabridged Dictionary gives three definitions for “demoralize”:1
1: to corrupt or undermine in morals or moral principle : pervert, deprave
2a: to destroy the morals or morale of : deprive of self-reliance : weaken in courage, fortitude, or spirit : render untrustworthy in efficiency and discipline
2b: to upset or destroy the working order, proper functioning, or normal activity of
3: to cast into disorder or confusion
Definition 1 has been going on at least since the school prayer decisions of the early 1960s, leading to the promotion of the Sexual Revolution, widespread drug use, and abortion. The most recent manifestation is the Transgender movement and its mutilation surgery.
Definition 2a dates back further, to the entire “Experts” culture as exemplified by the publication and breathless promotion of Benjamin’s Spock’s Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care, first released in 1946. Evidently, parents had much to learn about child-rearing, despite this being a vital skill for tens of thousands of years. And, who better to proffer such wisdom than a pro-abortion baby doctor?
2a was certainly accelerated by the breakdown of the family, as catalyzed by welfare programs, and the encroachment of public education into matters best left to the nuclear family structure.
Definition 2b was exemplified by the emergence of the regulatory state, under Woodrow Wilson, and his so-called “New Freedom” platform. In the muddled confusion which passes as “American History,” Wilson’s progressive bona fides are enough to overshadow his awful record of promoting segregation in federal agencies and his opposition to women’s suffrage.
Definition 3 has been unfolding for a good long time, and is best illustrated by the near-overnight transformation of our “great Soviet ally” during World War II, to becoming our mortal enemy milliseconds after V-J Day. A more contemporary example is the shameless shoehorning of men into women’s sports.
There is no doubt that considerable effort has been undertaken by the Deep State to demoralize the public, for the sole purpose of making Americans easier to control. After all, the very first thing you learn in school is how to follow orders. Some people recognize this pretty quickly as a tool of submission, and learn how to play the system.
Others, though, become true believers, and develop an outsize, almost pathological respect and even love for authority. It is just so much easier to listen to our betters, and it is so dreary and difficult to think for ourselves, right?
Fortunately, alternative media is out there, even if the Deep State is working overtime to censor it. Ignore all the hype, including dire predictions regarding the fate of our country if Trump loses. It will absolutely be better for him to win, but it would hardly be the end of America if he were to lose.
This country has gone through some terrible times, including the Great Depression and the Civil War, for God’s sake! I’m not sure what could possibly be worse than the notion of Americans killing each other on grotesque battlefields, to the tune of 750,000 deaths. Unless it’s the promotion of the ghoulish architect of this horrific slaughter as one of our “greatest presidents.”
Stop getting played. PLEASE!
Merriam-Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, s.v. “demoralize,” accessed August 11, 2024,
As always, very insightful and well stated. The following come to mind as do many others. Galatians 6:7 - "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.," and 1 Corinthians 15:33 - "Do not be deceived. Evil company corrupts good habits."