Anyone who follows current events knows that there is plenty to be upset about…
The sick woke culture hard at work creating a society that gets more revolting by the day.
A massively incompetent and corrupt federal leadership. Owing to the cancerous growth of government, these sins affect virtually all aspects of life.
Perhaps worst of all is the Stalinist application of the term “misinformation” to anything and everything that disagrees with the Establishment point of view. In one of the most mind-bending aspects of this (and there are dozens of similar examples) renowned and highly-published cardiologist Peter McCullough, MD gets “canceled” because he dares to question the narrative on COVID vaccines.
So, where IS the outrage?
It’s internal, and seething inside most people. But, it remains internal since most people are too worried about making a living—given the created inflation—and have become gelded by political correctness, which morphed into cancel culture. The architects of this evil are only too aware of the power of peer pressure, and have assembled a cavalcade of useful idiots and celebrities to enforce this disappearance of free speech.
More’s the pity that today’s liberals and progressives have largely bought into such repressive measures. And, they seem quite in favor of adopting the Chinese Social Credit system for use here at home.
The hope is that if things get bad enough, people WILL do something. Witness the “surprise” election loss of Lori Lightfoot in Chicago. For me, I won’t be satisfied until Tony Fauci is sentenced to prison for the rest of his miserable life. He is now being loudly and publicly accused of buying off two leading virologists to confirm that COVID did not come from the Wuhan lab.
What does that say about those virologists? Trust the science.
Dr. K--
I really appreciate your support.
This is a great piece, Michael. Wish it had greater distribution. It deserves it.