Is this the most important election in our lifetime? One could make a good argument for the 2020 contest, since that fiasco is what got us into the profound mess we’re in at the moment. A Harris victory would just put us further down the same rabbit hole. So, why split hairs? By the same token, we could engage in similar navel-gazing by wondering which of FDR’s victories (1932, 1936, 1940, or 1944) were the most damaging.
In a way, though, the comparison to FDR is apt. After all, Franklin Roosevelt did create the nearly unbreakable coalition of union workers, minorities, and white Southerners that is slowly unraveling decades later. And, along with that coalition was the equally powerful trope that Republicans are the party of fat cats, big business, and everything else opposed to the little guy.
The first group to leave the FDR coalition was white Southerners, and that started—in earnest—in the 1970s. Academics love to blame this on the passage of 1964’s Civil Rights Act, conveniently forgetting that the Act was strongly opposed by Southern Democrats. Indeed, the Act would never have passed but for considerable Republican support.
Union workers were the next to defect, even if the leadership still remains firmly behind the jackass party. Reagan was the reason behind that exodus. Blacks—originally Republican since this was the party of Abraham Lincoln—are slowly coming back.
Jews are a special case. While they are certainly a minority, they were rarely downtrodden in America, even if discrimination existed. Yet, owing to a powerful groupthink, as well as a misplaced notion of tikkun olam, many Jews identified with the Democrats. After all, it was the Dems, starting with Wilson, and then put into high gear by FDR, and even higher gear by LBJ, that would master the art of buying votes by giving stuff away.
However, when the greatest Jew of all time describes the Judgment of the Nations (Matthew 25:31-46), and challenges us about feeding the hungry; giving drink to the thirsty; welcoming strangers; and clothing the naked; he makes no reference to providing this charity through Caesar.
How ironic that neither FDR nor his awful wife were big fans of Blacks or Jews.
Moreover, many Jews are suddenly realizing that antisemitism has always been on the Left—even if the ridiculous notion of the Nazis (National Socialists) being on the Right has persisted since World War II.
As to Republicans being fat cats and big business, this has completely disappeared. Virtually all large corporation CEOs support the Democrats. Why? The Dems are very big on regulation, and regulation ALWAYS favors big companies. since smaller organizations have a much harder time affording it.
Thus, a new Democrat coalition has formed: Fat cats and their sycophant bureaucrats in Government, academia, and NGOs. When you think about it, this represents a new sort of feudalism.
Stripped to its essentials, Trump v Harris is a contest between populism and a return to feudalism, and most of Harris’ supporters seem to be ignorant of this. Blame that on our pitiful public educational system, corrupt mainstream media, and idolization of authority. The neo-feudal lords can also bank on the public’s great hesitancy to recognize true evil when they see it.
As always: well said, Michael. If only this message, and others like it would be widely promoted on mainstream media outlets, like the foolishness of Taylor Swift endorsing Harris.