Those of us on the Right have been enduring a nonstop flood of bad news since November, 2020. There was the contested general election, in which the powers that be protested too much over any questioning of the results. Funny thing, notwithstanding the tales of vote-counting irregularities, no one on the Evil side is even willing to entertain any discussion of the most flagrant obvious fact:
A number of polls clearly indicated that but for the miserable establishment suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop/Biden corruption story, it is quite likely that Biden would have lost. Ergo: The FBI, by refusing to investigate, conspired to affect the results of a free election, using the complicit media. You could also ask yourself why so many Americans are blissfully content to drink the Kool-Aid, but that’s a story for historians 50 years hence to figure out.
The Great Reset started in earnest with the COVID p(lan)andemic, and its infamous “Two weeks to flatten the curve,” which somehow morphed into months longer, replete with useless mask mandates, economic damage, and a vaccine that every day seems to produce more negative results and stories of wicked malfeasance.
I haven’t referred to the worldwide handling of COVID as the greatest public health catastrophe of all time for nothing. During the Black Plague, the officials did not know better. But, this time, they did—and consistently took the wrong course anyway.
Countless stories of the woke mob appeared, and in virtually every case, the offenders were “canceled.” Apologies were only considered if the offender were on the Left, of course. The canceling was completely ridiculous since all the action occurred on Twitter, which hardly reflects reality, by any measure.
Nonetheless, there were real consequences, in terms of free speech, whereby the heckler’s veto was exercised at levels never before observed. Lack of self-awareness reached stupendous levels, as the disrupters—Fascist by their very actions—accused speakers they did not agree with…of being Fascists.
And then, the dark clouds cleared a bit, as parents stormed school boards to complain about destructive transgender policies, and the questionable selection of books to be included in school libraries. Thus, the edu-perverts were exposed as favoring sexual indoctrination of five-year-old kids.
Despite the best efforts of Big Pharma and its Praetorian Guard in the government and media, problems with the COVID vax were leaking out. And, don’t you know, vaccination acceptance began to drop. At this point, the biggest group that is still all in are the seniors, who remember the eradication of polio in their own lifetimes, and have been scared by the propaganda. Such propaganda including changing the very definition of the word “vaccine.”
In the meantime, minorities, notably Hispanics, are starting to leave the Democratic Party. Certainly, old habits are hard to break, but it is becoming increasingly difficult for the Dems to hide that they are nothing more than the party of socialism, combined in a unique way with moral degradation and wholesale corruption.
Really, what is the point of the Dems championing a radical transgender agenda that might appeal to less than one percent of Americans, unless it is part of a bigger picture that includes the destruction of the American way of life and value system?
Recently, woke major entertainment projects such as “Lord of the Rings-The Rings of Power” are getting pummeled mercilessly by online critics, as Amazon and Rotten Tomatoes have been caught trying to suppress negative reviews on their sites. Predictably, the wokesters have only one response to their critics, and that is to attack them as being “racist.” Only this time, it’s not working.
No doubt, a weakening economy will force most of us to focus less on politics and more on keeping our heads above water. But, the tide IS slowly turning, and it may not be possible for corruption alone to stem this new tide any longer.