If you think that Trump’s conviction is based on the Soros-appointed prosecutor, a blindingly crooked judge, and a jury of morons, you are only partially correct. The real reason goes back many years, well more than a century.
In essence, Democrat hegemony and unrestrained corruption go all the way back to Aaron Burr, but in Burr’s day, there were individuals with the huevos to oppose it. When the Republican party was founded in 1854, it had the guts to oppose the expansion of slavery, and later went on to stupidly support Prohibition. The point is, they were more than “Democrat-light.”
We can advance our nominations for the title of the first Republican In Name Only (RINO). Teddy Roosevelt comes to mind, although he did finally leave the Republican party to run as a Progressive in 1912. This factionalism certainly did not help the cause of Republican candidate William Howard Taft, and gave the election to Democrat Woodrow Wilson.
Considering that Taft was TR’s hand-picked successor, and that Roosevelt grew to despise Wilson, one wonders how much thought TR gave to his Progressive party move.
Wendell Willkie, Republican candidate for president in the 1940 election, had always been a Democrat, changing his registration to Republican in late 1939. After losing—badly—to FDR, Willkie became a supporter of his. Such was the “Republican” opposition of the time. Willkie was a full-blown liberal, and likely served as the model for so-called “liberal Republicans,” such as Jacob Javits, John Lindsay, Nelson Rockefeller, Lowell Weicker, and Lincoln Chaffee.
Let’s not forget Thomas Dewey, who refused to use damaging evidence against FDR regarding the “surprise” attack on Pearl Harbor—not to mention the latter’s extremely poor health—in the 1944 election. Dewey also employed the brilliant strategy of running out the clock, to lose to huge underdog Harry Truman in 1948.
True conservative Robert Taft could have been a better choice than Eisenhower for the Republicans in the 1952 campaign, although he died in 1953. Eisenhower in many ways embodied “Democrat-light,” and seemed to have a fondness for covert activities, including the assassination of Patrice Lumumba, and the 1953 Iranian coup.
Eisenhower’s vice president Richard Nixon lost to JFK in the 1960 presidential election. To his credit, Eisenhower urged Nixon to question the outcome, which was probably stolen (given the notoriously degenerate Texas and Illinois precincts involved), but Nixon refused, for the “good of the country.”
The point of this brief walk down memory lane is that with few exceptions, and owing to their domination of the institutions for well over one hundred years, Democrats have always set the agenda, with most Republicans either going along, or offering token and feeble resistance.
Whatever your opinion might be on abortion, homosexuality, open immigration, and transgenderism, these radical movements started off with little popular support, but were somehow mainstreamed as Democrat party platforms. It is ironic that all of these movements were pushed under the rubrics of “civil rights,” a landmark law that was opposed by many Democrats, and only passed because of strong Republican support.
Indeed, it is hilarious—in a sickening sort of way—that the Dems have been able to sell themselves as the party of civil rights. And before you blame that on the captive media and academia, you might also consider how the Republicans are—without question—the world’s worst public relations organization.
I’m referring to the official leadership of the GOP up until very recently, as well as too many self-professed “Republicans,” who have no concept of what it takes to win. Check out this offering from Ingrid Jacques. Here, Ingrid longs for the days of Paul (RINO) Ryan, and laments over the “havoc” caused by Trump, apparently clueless to the fact that havoc will surely occur if you are trying to upset the massively perverse status quo.
Ms. Jacques seems to be ignorant of the miserable RINO-infested history of the Grand Old Party, and would fit in perfectly with the likes of Wendell Willkie and Jake Javits. I hope her views are in the minority.
The heart is deceitful above all things,
And desperately wicked;
Who can know it?
I, the Lord, search the heart,
I test the mind,
Even to give every man according to his ways,
According to the fruit of his doings.