Imagine that you’re living under the most incompetent presidential administration in American history. One that is so bereft of basic talent, that its mere continuing existence can only be explained by an incandescently feckless media. Yes, a media that simply cannot bear to express the glaringly obvious.
Why, they would not even comment about Joseph Biden’s latest bad idea: Emulating two other infamous Josephs: Goebbels and Stalin, creating a “Ministry of Truth.”
Now, imagine that you’re not imagining. To make matters worse, heading up this “Disinformation Bureau,” would be one Nina Jankowicz, supposedly a noted “disinformation expert,” whatever the Hell that means, and however in Hell such expertise could even be certified. Jankowicz is already being called “Scary Poppins,” in reference to a ridiculous video she posted, based on the song “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.” (Written by the Sherman Brothers)
I wonder what the surviving Sherman (Richard) might think of this travesty, but given that he is nearly 94-years-old, prudence would dictate that he should not be asked.
As you might expect, HHS Secretary Mayorkas has already downplayed the significance of the Bureau, by essentially denying the reasons for its very charter.
Consider what sort of pathetic echo chamber must exist in this administration, when apparently no one could see how bad an idea it is—to create a government agency that is in the business of undermining the first amendment. Consider how useless the mainstream media truly is, when the very foundation of their existence is threatened—and they say NOTHING.
Consider what sort of people are involved in such decision-making. You’ve heard of the “best and the brightest.” Welcome to the worst and the dumbest.
How can we explain all this?
An early use of the word “travesty” described plays that came off as “a literary burlesque of a serious work.” In this context, they were parodies of tragedies, whereby actors would dress and act in absurd or ridiculous fashion for exaggerated comic effect.
However, our disinformation bureau is occurring in real life, and not on the stage. But then, so is the tragedy of how a psychopathic elite became so focused on getting rid of Trump, that they did not care one little bit about installing a corrupt moron in office. Yes, indeed, they sure do love America.
A major theme of all tragedy is reflected in the famous quote from Greek tragedian Aeschylus: “Only through suffering do we learn.”
While the psychopathic elite will never learn anything except how to increase their power, the hope is that the public will learn just what can happen when an army of entitled winners of participation trophies takes over the government of the greatest country on Earth.
Things just get more dystopian every day. I do, however, think that the more extreme it gets, the more people wake up. Nevertheless MSM will never tell the truth. Thank goodness for Substack