As we pointed out in the previous piece, there are no “unintended consequences.” At this moment, the most incompetent administration in US history is in power, allowing sinister figures behind the scenes to wreak havoc on virtually everything most Americans hold dear.
A wide-open southern border is allowing untold numbers of migrants to slip in, along with huge amounts of fentanyl. Fentanyl—a direct product of Chinese ingredients—is adding huge profits to the cartels, which are also heavily involved in the migrant trafficking. Meanwhile, a press secretary—supposedly immune from any criticism since she checks off boxes as a Black lesbian—puts forth lame and illogical explanations of how Biden’s wall is preferable to Trump’s wall.
Official healthcare, aka “Public Health,” is in total shambles, in the wake of obviously ineffective and dangerous vaccines, still pushed by the ghouls in charge. And, now we find out that the newest proprietary COVID miracle drug, Paxlovid, has a reinfection rate of more than 40%. The latest victim of such reinfection is none other than Sleepy Joe Biden.
Adding to this disaster, while Monkey Pox is being declared a “health emergency,” and 98% of cases are occurring in men who have male sexual partners, nary a word is being spoken in these same public health circles that anal sex can be risky and should be avoided. Why…that would be wrong. That would be “blaming the victim,” or something. I guess times have changed since the days that we used to shame smokers into quitting.
Let’s not forget that gender transition surgery and the widespread dispensing of puberty blockers proceeds at a record pace. “First do no harm”…indeed. The capitulation of school districts into this horror show is absolutely mind-boggling.
The “answer” to high gasoline prices is to…run right out and purchase an expensive electric vehicle. But wait. Just how “green” are these cars, anyway?
The batteries require rare-earth minerals, generally from war-torn lands or countries less than friendly to us. And, what happens when these battery packs have to be discarded? (Never mind the high replacement cost.) Exactly whose environment is being improved? There is also the matter of generating the electricity to charge those batteries. Is that somehow magically pollution-free?
For those who seek respite from the continuing crises via sports and entertainment, good luck. ESPN has become more woke than can be tolerated, while brain-trusts such as Bob Costas feel quite free to comment on PC issues of the day. Costas draws a ridiculously false dichotomy between vaccine refuser Novak Djokovic and certain members of the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team.
In Costas’ twisted logic, Djokovic, being a solo tennis player, apparently has more right to control his own health than members of a baseball team, because in that case those players are are “hurting their own team.” Gee, Bob, what about MLB forcing the dangerous vaccines on their players? Any culpability there? When the chits are finally called in on the worst public health catastrophe of all time, will the “We were only following orders” excuse pan out?
However, hope springs eternal. Maybe THIS time, if Team R wins the midterms and the presidency, things will change. Of course, that would require getting rid of as many RINOS as we possibly can.
So hard to focus on any one assault when they are coming at us from every direction. If humanity survives long enough to write history books about this time, they will be a very interesting study in psychology