In the previous piece, we looked at a few contemporary issues, and raised some questions. Let’s dig a little deeper…
The first question that arises is: Exactly how can the government continue to get away with the false flags and psyops? Easy-peasy. First, you need to create a functionally atheistic society. Which opens us up to a big fat violation of the very first commandment, viz. “I am the Lord your God: You shall not have strange Gods before me.”
So now, that God-shaped hole in the atheist’s heart can be filled with any number of strange gods. For many, this “god” becomes the government. After all, what other explanation could possibly be proffered for such pundits as Heidi Przybyla, who cannot fathom the notion of basic human rights existing outside of first being granted by the Government?
More’s the pity that she is quite an honored Washington hand. And why not? She touts the deep state line.
But the government is by no means the only false god. So many institutions have been given God-like status. Science—once indistinguishable from a search for truth—has become fatally corrupted by academia in a rapacious search for dollars, instead. And, let’s not forget the sick influence of politics. Check out this story from Heidi baby, that did not age well.
Talking about not aging well, here’s something more recent that might just be regretted by the cardiologist she touts (Michael Ackerman, MD). He says that “One in 5,000 is the reasonable number of young male ages 15–25-year-old male getting vaccine-associated myocarditis from one of the miRNA- derived vaccines, mostly from the Moderna product, which is higher than the Pfizer vaccine.” Think about that for a minute. Gee, Mike, would you take that risk with your own kids?
This highly esteemed fraud is OK with a one in 5000 chance of serious and lifelong side effects within a cohort that is at virtually no serious risk from COVID. I like free speech as much as the next guy, but this mountebank should have been kicked out of Mayo for that one. What’s in it for Ackerman to be such a toady? Will that make you think twice about Mayo? Do the plagiarists at Harvard make you think any less of that august institution?
In the previous piece, I asked how the mainstream media become so monolithically aligned with today’s fascist Left? Two factors come into play: “If it bleeds it leads” (courtesy of William Randolph Hearst), and the quicker pace of society that came with the proliferation of television in the 1950s.
Necessarily being focused on bad things all the time, and needing to portray these to an ever more rushed public with arguably a reduced attention span, journalists would not have a sunny outlook on life. Ironically, every media outlet would also have a happy talk columnist who would present lighthearted stories of community interest, and this content might comprise 5% of the total offerings.
Quite naturally, a negative focus will drive one to the Left, in a futile effort to promote the social justice cause du jour. Thus, the New Deal, the Great Society, and their continuing iterations are advanced without question or serious follow-up.
As such, a vicious cycle is created whereby a (formerly) respected institution—the media—becomes stenographers for the Leftist regime and keeps to this posture, despite growing unpopularity and circulation/ad revenue loss.
Why, they’re doing God’s work, don’t you know?
Isaiah 55:9 “For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.:"